
Kingdom Accountants can offer you the following services:


Corporate Governance

Governance, regulatory and compliance issues continue to be complex business challenges. Increased accountability and potential exposure to liability means accounting authorities need to ensure that corporate governance standards are adhered to and that robust compliance management systems are in place. Kingdom Accountants assists in assessing and making appropriate recommendations for improving the governance processes in accomplishment of the following objectives:

  • Communicating risk and control information to appropriate areas of the organization.
  • Coordinating the activities of and communicating information among the board, external and internal auditors, and management.
  • Ensuring effective organizational performance management and accountability.
  • Promoting appropriate ethics and values within the organization.

  • Kingdom Accountants ensures effective implementation of governance practices by offering the following services to businesses:

    King IV Implementation and Assessments

    Board and Board Committees’ Assessments

    Audit Committee Advisory

    Board Empowerment and Training

    Corporate Governance Consulting and Reviews